Supporting parent wellbeing and children with autism

Parent wellbeing matters

because children and young people with an Autism Spectrum Disorder still face discrimination and barriers throughout their lives. There continues to be a lack of education and understanding about autism, with rates of under-diagnosis remaining high (especially in girls). Much more targeted and specialised support is needed for both children and young people with an ASD and their parents, who are navigating raising their children in a world that still lacks awareness and empathy.

Still Place Parents’ Club wants to ensure children, young people and their parents feel understood and supported, nurturing mental health and wellbeing.

beach, man and boy walking towards water, blue shorts, white t-shirt, rock face

Still Place Parents’ Club supports children with autism

because your happiness is still just as important after having children and because the wellbeing of parents directly affects how we bring up our children.

Studies have shown that parents who try to focus on their mental health and wellbeing will more likely raise children with more buoyant self-esteem, children who understand their self-worth and children who are also mentally healthy, happy and resilient.

What we offer

Explore Groups

Groups for parents and autistic children & young people

In-person groups with structured and specialised activities for children and young people (in a relaxed setting), who are also supported in socialising and making friends, while we focus on parent wellbeing through discussion, mindful activities and forming connections and community.

Creative writing and support groups

In-person and online groups for all parents, providing a safe and relaxed space for parents to explore, process and share their experiences of parenthood, to support mental health and wellbeing. No writing experience required.

Special Events

Special events for children and parents to enjoy together, including nature and beach walks, craft and sensory sessions, flower arranging and pottery.

man with child standing between legs, image just shows from the knees down, yellow raincoat, brown shoes

Still Place Parents’ Club also offers tutoring for autistic children and young people

Supporting you and your family